
<h2><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="Unsere Koffer Marken">Our luggage brands<br /></span><span title="In unseren Markenshops von finden Sie ein sehr vielfältiges Angebot an Koffer, Trolleys, Taschen, Rucksäcken, Kleidertaschen, Lederwaren und Beauty Cases der Marken     "></span></span></h2> <p><span xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="In unseren Markenshops von finden Sie ein sehr vielfältiges Angebot an Koffer, Trolleys, Taschen, Rucksäcken, Kleidertaschen, Lederwaren und Beauty Cases der Marken     ">In our brand shops of you will find a very diverse range of bags, trolleys, bags, backpacks, clothes bags, leather goods and beauty cases from the brands<br /><br /></span></span></p> <ul><li>    <span title="Samsonite     ">Samsonite</span></li> <li>    <span title="American Tourister     ">American Tourister</span></li> <li>    <span title="Victorinox     ">Victorinox</span></li> <li>    <span title="Travelite     ">Traveling Lite</span></li> <li>    <span title="Stratic     ">Stratic</span></li> <li>    <span title="TITAN     ">TITANIUM</span></li> <li>    <span title="Dakine     ">Dakine</span></li> <li>    <span title="March     ">march</span></li> <li>    <span title="Monopol     ">monopoly</span></li> <li>    <span title="Heys     ">Heys</span></li> <li>    <span title="Step by Step Schultheke     ">Step by step school council</span></li> <li>    <span title="Coocazoo     ">Coocazoo</span></li> <li>    <span title="SUITSUIT     ">Suitsuit</span></li> <li>    <span title="DELSEY     ">DELSEY</span></li> <li>    <span title="Dermata Lederwaren     ">Dermata leather goods</span></li> <li>    <span title="D &amp; N     ">D &amp; N</span></li> <li>    <span title="Retro Punk     ">Retro punk</span></li> <li>    <span title="Go Travel Reiseaccessoires">Go Travel Travel Accessories</span></li> </ul><p><span id="result_box" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><span title="In unseren Markenshops von finden Sie ein sehr vielfältiges Angebot an Koffer, Trolleys, Taschen, Rucksäcken, Kleidertaschen, Lederwaren und Beauty Cases der Marken     "></span><span title="Go Travel Reiseaccessoires"><br /></span><span title="Unser angebotenes Reisegepäck namhafter Hersteller verbindet höchste Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsansprüche mit einer überaus funktionalen, ergonomischen und ästhetischen Produktgestaltung.">Our offered luggage package of renowned manufacturers combines the highest quality and safety requirements with an extremely functional, ergonomic and aesthetic product design. </span><span title="Hochwertige Markenkoffer haben ihren Preis, dafür halten sie jedoch ein Leben lang und sind treue Begleiter, auch wenn es auf Reisen einmal ein wenig rauer zugeht.">High-quality branded cases have their price, but they keep a lifetime and are loyal companions, even when traveling a little rough.<br /><br /></span><span title="Unsere Marken – international">Our brands - international<br /><br /></span><span title="Samsonite ist ohne Frage der Marktführer, wenn es um Markenkoffer und sonstiges Reisegepäck geht.">Samsonite is undoubtedly the market leader when it comes to branded cases and other luggage. </span><span title="Samsonite steht für Qualität und Innovation: Mit dem neuem CURV-Material stellt der internationale Konzern robuste und stabile, dabei aber besonders leichte Koffer und Trolleys her.">Samsonite stands for quality and innovation: With the new CURV material, the international group manufactures robust and stable but particularly lightweight cases and trolleys. </span><span title="Mit Samsonite kann man einfach nichts falsch machen.">With Samsonite, you can not go wrong.<br /><br /></span><span title="Die Geschichte der amerikanischen Traditionsmarke American Tourister reicht bis ins Jahr 1932 zurück.">The history of the American tradition brand American Tourister dates back to 1932. </span><span title="Von Anfang an war es Ziel des Unternehmens, strapazierfähigere Gepäckstücke als die Konkurrenz herzustellen – und das zu erschwinglichen Preisen.">From the outset, the company's goal was to make more sturdy pieces of luggage than the competition - at affordable prices. </span><span title="Die Firma steht aber auch von jeher für Innovation: Als erster Anbieter brachte man einen Koffer auf den Markt, der komplett aus Vinyl bestand.">But the company has also always stood for innovation: the first supplier to bring a suitcase to the market, made entirely of vinyl. </span><span title="Heute produziert American Tourister erschwingliche, erstklassige Qualitätsprodukte unter dem Marketingslogan &quot;Be ready when life calls&quot; vor allem für Familien und junge Reisende.">Today, American Tourister produces affordable, first-class quality products under the marketing slogan "Be ready when life calls", especially for families and young travelers.<br /><br /></span><span title="TITAN sind schlichte, aber elegante Koffer aus robustem Polycarbonat.">TITAN are simple but elegant cases made of sturdy polycarbonate. </span><span title="Sie vereinen Design mit Funktionalität und bieten eine breite Palette an Hartschalen- und Stoffkoffern, sowie Businessartikel mit der besten Preis-Leistung.">They combine design with functionality and offer a wide range of hard shell and fabric cases as well as business articles with the best price performance.<br /><br /></span><span title="Koffer von Travelite sind typisch deutsch: eher unauffällig, aber sehr leistungsfähig und besonders korrekt.">Luggage from Travelite are typically German: rather inconspicuous, but very powerful and particularly correct. </span><span title="Das Unternehmen orientiert sich nicht nur kompromisslos an den strengen deutschen Qualitätsnormen, sondern auch an strengen sozialen und ethischen Standards bei der Herstellung.">The company is not only uncompromising in its strict quality standards but also in strict social and ethical standards in production. </span><span title="Travelite bietet ein umfangreiches Gepäcksortiment vom Hartschalenkoffer über Stoffkoffer, Rucksäcke und Reisetaschen bis hin zu Accessoires.">Travelite offers an extensive range of luggage from the hard-shell case to fabric cases, backpacks, travel bags and accessories.<br /><br /></span><span title="Ebenfalls deutsch-korrekt agiert Stratic, das seine Produkte in der Mehrzahl in Europa produziert.">Stratic, which produces its products in the majority in Europe, also operates in the German language. </span><span title="Das Label ist dabei jedoch alles andere als unscheinbar, sondern mitunter fast schon ein wenig prätentiös.">The label, however, is anything but unpretentious, but sometimes almost a little pretentious. </span><span title="Daneben bieten Markenkoffer von Stratic besonders viel Komfort bei besonders wenig Eigengewicht.">In addition, Stratic's flagship case offers extra comfort and low weight.<br /><br /></span><span title="Der französische Kofferhersteller DELSEY punktet mit sehr robusten Koffern mit Sicherheitsreissverschlüssen und Radbremsen.">The French luggage manufacturer DELSEY scores with very robust suitcases with safety ratchet closures and wheel brakes. </span><span title="Die ausgeklügelte Funktionalität wird mit optisch ansprechendem Design und einzigartigen Farben abgerundet.">The sophisticated functionality is rounded off with a visually appealing design and unique colors. </span><span title="Die Stoffkollektionen sind klassisch und schlicht, mit besonderem Gewichtsvorteil.">The fabric collections are classic and simple, with a special weight advantage.<br /><br /></span><span title="HEYS ist in Kanada und den USA aus der Reisegepäck-Branche kaum noch wegzudenken.">HEYS can hardly be imagined in the travel baggage sector in Canada and the USA. </span><span title="Mit speziellen Motiven in einer enormen Vielfalt bilden diese Fashion Spinner einen starken Kontrast zu den sonst meist unifarbenen Gepäckstücken.">With special motifs in an enormous variety, these fashion spinners form a strong contrast to the usually unicoloured luggage. </span><span title="Ergänzend wurden Koffer des brasilianischen Künstlers Romero Britto, Fernando und Jing Zhang hergestellt.">In addition, cases were made by the Brazilian artist Romero Britto, Fernando and Jing Zhang. </span><span title="Wir haben die Marke für Sie in die Schweiz geholt.">We have brought the brand to Switzerland.<br /><br /></span><span title="SUITSUIT ist die Marke für die moderne Frau.">SUITSUIT is the brand for the modern woman. </span><span title="Ob freche, bunte Koffer mit Schildkrötenpanzer oder pastellfarbene Koffer im 50er-Jahre-Stil - diese Marke bietet alles für stilvolles Reisen.">Whether it is a bold, colorful suitcase with turtle armor or pastel colored suitcases in the 50s style - this brand offers everything for stylish travel.<br /><br /></span><span title="Dakine hingegen verkörpert Sport, Abenteuergeist und Entdeckungslust.">Dakine, on the other hand, embodies sport, an adventure spirit and a sense of discovery. </span><span title="Mit einer breiten Auswahl an Reisetaschen für Individualreisende und Rucksäcke für Schule und Freizeit steht dem nächsten Abenteuer nicht mehr im Wege.">With a wide selection of travel bags for individual travelers and backpacks for school and leisure, the next adventure is no longer in the way.<br /><br /></span><span title="Der deutsche Kofferhersteller Monopol führt ein breites Sortiment an preiswerten Hartschalenkoffern einfarbig oder mit ausgefallenen Motiven für jeden Geschmack.">The German suitcase manufacturer Monopol offers a wide range of inexpensive hard shell cases in one color or with unusual motifs for every taste. </span><span title="Die Trolleys sind einzeln oder als Set erhältlich.">The trolleys are available individually or as a set.<br /><br /></span><span title="Die Marken D &amp; N und DERMATA ergänzen unser Sortiment mit klassischen Aktenkoffern, Businesstaschen und Schreibmappen.">The D &amp; N and DERMATA brands complement our range with classic briefcases, busines bags and notepads. </span><span title="Preiswert aus PVC oder qualitativ hochwertig aus Leder - hier finden Sie alles für den Geschäftsalltag.">Inexpensive from PVC or high quality leather - here you will find everything for business day.<br /><br /></span><span title="Unsere Marken">our brands<br /><br /></span><span title="Victorinox stellt nicht nur Taschenmesser her, sondern mindestens genauso funktionelle und vielseitige Gepäckstücke.">Victorinox not only produces pocket knives, but also functional and versatile pieces of luggage. </span><span title="Mit dem Schweizerkreuz im Wappenschild machen diese sofort klar, wo sie herkommen.">With the Swiss cross in the coat of arms, they immediately make it clear where they come from. </span><span title="In jeder Tasche und jedem Koffer steckt durchdachte Victorinox-Tradition, der Erfolg des Unternehmens beruht auf seinem stetigem Engagement für Fortschritt, Funktionalität und ein gelungenes Design.">In every bag and suitcase Victorinox tradition is conceived, the success of the company is based on its constant commitment to progress, functionality and a successful design.</span></span></p>
<h2>High quality luggage for your relaxed holiday</h2> <p>When it's time to travel, every holiday with the right luggage is twice as fun. That's why we <strong> offer a variety of different variations that are based on your Needs are aligned. In our online shop you will receive a variety of different <a href=""> Hard Case </a>, <a href="">Carrying case</a><a href=""> </a>, <a href=""> Travel bags </a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> Hand luggage </a> Solutions. But also clothing bags and <a href=""> Beauty Cases </a> make traveling a pleasure.</strong></p> <p>Made of high quality materials and available in different sizes, ours is suitable Luggage ideal for flights or other forms of travel. The luggage from our range draws characterized by a <strong> special stability and multifunctionality. The pleasant Ergonomics combines with an appealing design. This makes it child's play, certainly from A to B to come with your own luggage.</strong></p> <p>Before you finally get started, you can <strong> benefit from numerous services benefit from our shop and conveniently buy your luggage. Take advantage of the comprehensive advice by telephone or in the shop. Making your new luggage cheap is a breeze buy and start the exciting trip.</strong></p> <h2>Which luggage for what purpose?</h2> <p>The choice of baggage depends on how many things and things you take with you. On which How would you like to do your excursion? We have the right solution. For the fast Flight with sufficient luggage is the classic wheeled suitcase as a hard shell or fabric variant. Available in standard sizes, these <strong> are extremely compact.</strong></p> <p>Hard-shell cases made from robust materials such as ABS, polycarbonate or polypropylene are very stable and well suited to transport even sensitive items safely. The interior of the suitcases is elastic. Robust zippers and top and side handles draw both suitcases Hard shell, as well as cloth suitcase. Sturdy wheels ensure <strong> convenient transportation road. The fast trip is nothing in the way!</strong></p> <h2>Smaller variants in the form of hand luggage</h2> <p>Other baggage such as hand luggage or <a href=""> clothes bags </a> are more compact solutions that can also be taken on board directly. This impresses above all due to compact dimensions and the <strong> reduction to the essentials. Here you can do things and carry utensils you need on the go.</strong></p> <p>The interior is characterized by several subjects. You can use the partitions <strong> Increase flexibility when packing. Striking are the particularly popular telescopic extensions, which easily adapt to your body size.</strong></p> <h2>Practical travel bags for plenty of storage</h2> <p>Larger variants such as travel bags are <strong> often approved as free bag. Equipped with additional carrying handles, the traveler can transport his luggage flexibly. Frequently Travel bags have additional outer pockets and cross straps, which provide flexibility and stability to care. The interior is characterized by compartments with zippers and well-organized inside pockets out. In order to use different possibilities of the luggage it is worthwhile, different Buy cheap luggage.</strong></p> <h2>Nice luggage for small items</h2> <p>Important smaller items you can with very compact travel bags or beauty cases transport. These are mainly equipped with numerous compartments and can also in the suitcase itself additionally secure sensitive objects. The special design of our luggage is not only visually appealing, but it allows you to understand the quality of the material and its processing benefit in the long term. The <strong> lightness and stability of the material simplifies you additionally the transport. With this comfort, your journey will be particularly pleasant. </strong> Important smaller items can be packed with very compact travel bags or even beauty cases transport. These are mainly equipped with numerous compartments and can also in the suitcase itself additionally secure sensitive objects. The special design of our luggage is not only visually appealing, but it allows you to understand the quality of the material and its processing benefit in the long term. The <strong> lightness and stability of the material simplifies you additionally the transport. With this comfort, your journey will be particularly pleasant.</strong></p> <h2>Buy cheap luggage and enjoy service</h2> <p>If you want to buy new luggage, you can simultaneously choose from our numerous Benefits benefit. We offer competent advice in advance and with the order also one convenient pick-up in the stationary store. Depending on your needs, we can <strong> your luggage repair. You can also buy your luggage and a multi-year warranty benefit.</strong></p> <p>Orders placed by 4pm on the same day will be shipped free of charge. At the same time You can also use the <strong> express delivery on Saturdays. In order to get your great luggage on the same day.</strong></p> <p>After you have been able to buy our luggage cheap, this is suitable for a variety of flights with appropriate airlines. Most airlines allow free luggage with a weight of 20 up to 30 kg in economy class. Hand luggage can be used in different weight classes from 5 to Take 10 kg on board. The standard dimensions 55 x 40 x 20 cm are to be understood as a guideline and therefore also available as standard size in our online shop. With the <strong> matching luggage stands Nothing in your way! So you can fully enjoy your holiday! </strong></p>
<h2>Business Suitcase buy cheap at Suitcase Switzerland: Your Strong Appearance</h2> <p>Whether briefcase, laptop bags, business trolley, <a href=""> writing folders </a> or <a href=""> Wallets </a>: If also waiting for you the next meeting in another city or even in another country You of course <strong> a first-class business suitcase. This must have many Features. Not only the comfort and the good layout, but also the design play an important role. In our online shop you can buy and have cheap business suitcases Thereby the choice between the most different variants and models. Thus, the right one is guaranteed Business suitcase for every requirement.</strong></p> <h2>Exclusive Business Suitcase - The Best Choice for Your Business Travel</h2> <p>Although all important documents and a chic outfit should not be missing during a business meeting, Nevertheless, it depends on the right piece of luggage. In our online shop you can do business Buying suitcases at a low price while taking full advantage of our <strong> high quality models enjoy. The business suitcases you receive in this category basically in the most diverse Species.</strong></p> <p>For example, you have the choice between a classic <a href=""> briefcase </a>, <a href=""> Laptop Bags </a>, <a href=""> Business Backpacks </a>, <a href=""> Pilot's suitcases </a>, <a href=""> Shoulder Bags for Your Tablet </a> as well Purses and purses. Each model is in <strong> a particularly stylish and elegant Design. This is timeless and will accompany you successfully for a long time.</strong></p> <p>A piece of luggage in the form of a briefcase is usually sufficient for the daily trip to the office. If you want to buy a business suitcase, in which not only important documents, but If you also find clothing, shoes or your notebook, you can look for a <strong> practical and stylish <a href=""> Business Trolley </a> decide. Not just for the sporty business traveler, but for example Laptop bags or laptop backpacks are also particularly suitable for visiting trade fairs Bag. In this way, you always carry your mobile office with you and have both hands free.</strong></p> <p>You can then grab a briefcase or a briefcase if you have a business suitcase want to buy, which is very elegant. A briefcase is not only shapely, but great also suitable as <strong> hand luggage for business travel . Should you be on business for longer Be on the go, meet in our online shop on numerous pilot cases. Also in this you can Store your business documents, your notebook, travel essentials and your clothing elegantly. </strong></p> <h2>Business Suitcase buy cheap - first class quality in the online shop</h2> <p>Every business suitcase you receive with us has a first class quality as well high quality. We carry <strong> exclusively renowned manufacturers and Brands, which offer you sturdy and smooth zippers, high-quality wheels, an elegant Upper and an easy-to-handle linkage.</strong></p> <p>If you also want to buy a business suitcase conveniently and easily online, you are at We are exactly right. Both consultation and pickup are in our <strong> stationary store in Kloten possible. Our experts not only advise you in detail and comprehensively, but also You also have numerous warranty and repair services on your business luggage.</strong></p> <p>For orders before 16:00, you will receive <strong> free shipping on the same day on your product. You want to buy a business suitcase and need it as soon as possible? Then you can choose in our online shop also an optional express delivery, so your Shipment is also delivered on Saturday.</strong></p> <h2>Tips for your flight</h2> <p>Not only low-cost airlines, but also other airlines charge high fees for the subsequent Giving up <strong> to large or heavy carry-ons. No wonder then that the overview can be lost quickly. Although the World Aviation Association IATA determines one Standard size for carry-on luggage, yet this recommendation is not for the 264 member lines binding. For example, it was suggested that the allowed size of hand luggage be 55 cm x 35 cm x 20 cm should be reduced.</strong></p> <p>If you also want to travel with your business suitcase, you can roughly get a few Orient rules of thumb. In Economy Class usually only a piece of hand luggage is allowed - such Example a briefcase, a backpack or a trolley. You are allowed to carry your business suitcase in First Class or Business Class, on the other hand, usually <strong> take it easy.</strong></p> <p>Buy a business suitcase with us and travel efficiently and elegantly to your next one Meeting!</p>
<h2>Children travel luggage from Koffer Switzerland - carefree travel pleasure</h2> <p>You want to go on vacation with your entire family? Then we have the right one <strong> Kids Travel Luggage for you! It is always important toys or children's clothing suitable stow away. On the way books and toys should always be at hand, so that yours Little ones also have fun on a long drive. So every holiday becomes a great fun for the whole Family.</strong></p> <h2>Colorful kids travel luggage makes every holiday a pleasure</h2> <p>If the little ones and kids go on a trip, then the right children's luggage is the ideal Solution to combine transportability with adapted ergonomics. We therefore offer different Solutions for the smaller fellow travelers and help you to find the right child luggage to buy. Different ways of taking a childrens suitcase over the appropriate one Travel accessories for children, we also offer many backpacks for school or carrying facilities for the Kindergarten. All products are characterized by a high degree of child friendliness. Our Travel accessories for your children has a <strong> high wearing comfort with an appropriate and child-friendly design.</strong></p> <p>So even the little ones will obviously enjoy their new luggage and every flight or enjoy every ride. All variants are characterized by a particularly stable processing. So you can not only buy particularly sturdy children travel luggage, but also for your children Ergonomics offer optimal solutions. Also a variety of utensils can be thanks to the intelligently arranged inner compartments are <strong> easy to pack.</strong></p> <h2>Practical suitcases as sturdy children's travel luggage</h2> <p>When it comes to longer trips, medium-sized <a href=""> Children's suitcase </a> the ideal solution. This form of the Children's travel luggage is characterized by a <strong> high stability and lightness. Equipped with telescopic rod for easy transport on wheels and additional carrying handles Children have the necessary degree of flexibility - just like adults.</strong></p> <p>Our products are characterized by sturdy zippers and a varied designed Interior of the suitcase off. Elastic cross straps provide extra stability and secure Safekeeping of the carried utensils. Many children's suitcases are <strong> appealing designs and cheerful colors. This makes every child's travel bag an appealing utensil for young and old.</strong></p> <h2>Buy cheap travel baggage and combine it with convenient accessories</h2> <p>Especially longer trips can be exhausting for children. Here it is advisable practical <a href=""> children's accessories </a> always ready. Handsome neck cushions provide for a restful sleep. Smaller backpacks or compact sports bags are also an option to complete the children's luggage. The sporty design combined with a high quality Processing also ensures the <strong> necessary stability on the go.</strong></p> <h2>Functional school backpacks</h2> <p>Not only when traveling, but also in the <a href=""> School </a> is a high quality equipment important for the children. In addition to professional children's luggage, we also offer <a href=""> School backpacks with additional wheels </a> or <a href=""> rain covers </a>. The special equipment of the <a href="">school backpack</a><a href=""> </a>allowed that your children can carry <strong> comfortably a variety of their utensils even in their everyday lives can. In this category you can also buy colorful and sturdy sports bags with sturdy handles and to acquire a variety of subjects. In addition, we also carry sturdy pencil cases in different and colorful designs. Here's something for every taste. You and your child will be in our shop guaranteed to be successful. </strong></p> <h2>Buy Kids Travel Luggage - Loving Nursery Bags</h2> <p>Even the youngest of the little ones like to wear their most important items in an appealing <a href="">children's garden bag</a><a href=""> </a>with themselves. Very compact and lightweight, our tote bags offer plenty of room for the break bread or additional toys. Sturdy zippers and adjustable shoulder straps and <strong> water-repellent materials allow for a perfect everyday life for little children Ergonomics in every situation.</strong></p> <h2>Sturdy travel essential luggage and additional services Take</h2> <p>In addition to the opportunity to buy high quality children luggage cheap, you can simultaneously to benefit from the advantages of our service. We offer you a competent consultation per Telephone or directly in the stationary business. Your new luggage can be conveniently ordered after ordering pick up. In addition to a multi-year warranty, our services include <strong> repair in case damage.</strong></p> <p>If you buy your child luggage cheap by 4 pm, it will be shipped the same day free. Your loved ones need the new colorful travel equipment as fast as possible? Now this Buy new kids luggage and <strong> order it by express mail to get your shipment also arrives on Saturday. </strong></p>
<h2>Buy versatile rucksacks</h2> <p>Nowadays, countless items - such as mobile phones, wallets, keys, drinks, etc. - must always be at hand. But how should you stow it all? We at Koffer-Schweiz offer you a perfect solution. Whether practical, trendy or elegant - <strong> you will find the suitable and practical companion with us. So you are always equipped appropriately - whether at leisure activities or on the school and work path.</strong></p> <h2>Extensive range of latest models</h2> <p>Our extensive range includes laptop backpacks , Rucksacks with wheels and School backpacks . Also, check out our news for the latest articles <strong> to be always in the trend Our wide selection of different designs allow flexible use. The cable systems connect your bag with headphones - no matter where you are.</strong></p> <p>You will also receive backpacks that <strong> meet all requirements for luggage meet. This will provide you with a backpack that will fit all your belongings, making it the perfect carry-on bag. For example, most airlines allow 55 x 40 x 23 cm bags and rucksacks. Our experienced employees are happy to select the lightest possible options so that you can meet the sometimes strict weight limits. In addition, you will find a wide range of travel accessories, such as locks, neck pillows or travel organizer.</strong></p> <h2>Laptop Backpacks buy cheap</h2> <p>Laptop or tablet are everyday companions for you? Then we have a very large selection of matching laptop backpacks for you. From DAKINE , via Everki to we offer you the perfect bag for every situation. Here you will find trendy school desks, <strong> elegant business backpacks as well as fancy models with Star Wars motif.</strong></p> <p>When you buy laptop backpacks, your laptop or tablet is always well stowed away. This guarantees the padded laptop compartment. Thanks to the practical organizer compartment additional documents, such as school notebook, folder or folder are well stowed,. So <strong> your utensils are always perfectly secured and survive any transport. Whether it's work, school, university or leisure, you're always well equipped.</strong></p> <h2>Order or pick up a backpack for everyday life</h2> <p>Regardless of your everyday needs, you can buy the ideal backpacks at low prices. In the well-assorted online shop, you benefit from a large selection. <strong> We are happy to advise you regarding different features and variants. Whether you are looking for the right backpack on site in our shop in Zurich Kloten or online, we are always happy to advise you.</strong></p> <p>If you have found the right model, you can easily get it home by order or pick it up directly from us. We also offer extensive tips for customizing the adjustable straps and straps. This guarantees a long-term back-friendly position for our rucksacks.</p> <h2>Ventilation, upholstery and comfort functions</h2> <p>Who does not know the annoying sweating under straps on hot summer days? Our backpacks use <strong> special foams and modern fabrics to ensure the best possible comfort even on hot days. You can also buy backpacks with a modern frame made of lightweight metals. The same will further optimize the ventilation, as the bags are not directly against the body. With us you will receive backpacks tailored to your needs, whether for everyday work or the design of leisure.</strong></p> <h2>Practical sets for students</h2> <p>Back to school is always a special day for students. It also often requires a completely new basic equipment, as children grow out of their old things very quickly. Our extensive packages include backpacks and also have gym bags, cases or other components. Thanks to the child-friendly, diverse motives you <strong> discover the right set for every taste and facilitate the annual shopping tour with a complete package.</strong></p> <p>Depending on which school backpack you choose in this category, our kits already include pens with pencils and school sports bags. Of course, <strong> all the desks meet high safety standards with reflectors and other visible elements. Your primary school children are safe in traffic. In particular, variants with laptop or folder compartment are ideally suited for older students and students, so that these models accompany their children through the entire training.</strong></p> <p>Our special backpacks with wheels ensure that your children can carry even the heaviest textbooks through their everyday school life - without harming the back. So a <strong> highest possible comfort for your child - during the school everyday - guaranteed.</strong></p> <p>Would you like to buy backpacks for a spontaneous trip? Then you will receive them as <strong> express delivery - including delivery on Saturday . Alternatively, we can guarantee that your backpacks leave the store on the same day, even when ordering by 4:00 pm. With appropriate equipment your electrical appliances travel safely. Versatile options in terms of design and function offer practical, stylish offers. </strong></p>
<h2>Branded bags in a wide selection</h2> <p>You love high quality bags that fit your personal style and want to buy branded bags at a low price? Then we are <strong> your competent partner with many years of experience . Customers who regularly order in our online store appreciate the huge selection as well as the high quality of the cases and branded bags we offer our customers. Whether you have a functional sports bag , a spacious travel bag for a weekend break or an fashionable handbag looking - with us you can buy the right brand bags for every occasion .</strong></p> <h2>Chic ladies handbags for every taste</h2> <p>Trendy women's handbags are among the accessories that women love most. <strong> A fancy handbag is the icing on the cake that perfectly complements any well-groomed outfit. Color and design should be exactly matched to the wearer's clothing. We offer branded bags for every type. Romantic, playful or rather elegant? You have the choice! So you always give your outfit the perfect finishing touch - no matter what the occasion!</strong></p> <h2>Trendy brand bags - suitable for your leisure time</h2> <p>Our trendy brand bags for the design of your leisure time Not only do they look good, they are also <strong> perfectly functioning and reliable companions that guide you through your everyday life. You must meet the requirements of the owner or the owner in every way. Sports and travel bags have to be spacious enough to store all the necessary items. The more you use the pockets, the more robust the material should be. With us you can buy cheap brand bags, which are made of durable, synthetic materials, cotton or cowhide.</strong></p> <h2>Durable and functional sports bags</h2> <p>Whether you're driving to the gym, playing football or taking your child to physical education - our selection of sports bags has the right option for everyone! From <strong> practical bags to colorful sports bags you will find everything you need in our shop. In our large assortment of branded bags, there is the right version for everyone - whether simple, elegant or trendy! For the smaller athletes, for example, we also have nice bags with butterfly or dragon motifs to choose from.</strong></p> <h2>Brands Bags buy cheap and online to order</h2> <p>Customers who buy branded bags in our online shop have high expectations. We have <strong> years of experience and provide you with expert advice. In our online shop you can buy brand bags at any time of the day. In addition, you have the opportunity to seek personal advice in our stationary store. This allows you to view and show the various brands of bags on site and pick up the new companion yourself.</strong></p> <p>Here are the advantages of our online shop at a glance:</p> <ul> <li>Competent advice &amp; pick-up of the brands Bags in the stationary shop</li> <li>Easy handling of warranty &amp; repair services</li> <li>Free shipping (for orders before 16:00 the same day)</li> <li>Optional express delivery with delivery also on Saturday</li> <li>Buy on account <p>All Shipping information can be found in our Info Center . Try our shop - online or locally - and let us convince you of the advantages of our offer!</p> <h2>Useful tips for your purchase</h2> <p>To get the most out of your new brand of bags, do not just look for the fashionable design when choosing your next bag. We recommend that you first think about which features are particularly important to you. For example, if you need <strong> Airline Travel Bags , the size and weight of the bag are important selection criteria. Many airlines are careful when carrying hand luggage that the prescribed dimensions and weights are complied with. </strong></p> </li> </ul> <p>For most airlines, the suitcase or bag should not be larger than 55cm x 40cm x 20cm. Larger pieces of luggage must be abandoned. In this case, you have to expect additional costs. You can use the <strong> Filter feature to specifically search for bags of this size instead of having to browse the entire assortment. With this you can even filter by your travel duration, so you get immediately shown the appropriate range of bags. If you want to buy branded bags cheap for your laptop, you should also use the filter function to help you find the right offer. Save yourself the time of a long foray and invest it in your activities!</strong></p> <p>You would like <strong> to receive individual advice ? Call us or contact us by e-mail! Our competent technical staff is always there for you. </strong></p>
<h2> A good address for those who want to buy travel accessories</h2> <p>Holiday or business trip - anyone traveling by plane, train or other means of transport for several days must safely stow clothing, laundry and all things they need for personal use. Suitcase , Travelbag or backpack code? In our online shop we offer a huge selection of high quality brands for every taste. In addition, we offer you the opportunity to buy <strong> many useful travel accessories.</strong></p> <p>In our assortment you will find everything you need for your travels and you can buy your travel accessories at a low price. How to spend your trip as comfortable as possible!</p> <h2>Our tip: buy travel accessories in good time and start the holidays relaxed</h2> <p>Good organization is the alpha and omega of traveling. Those who carefully plan the purchase of travel accessories and the accessories needed in advance &lt; / a&gt; buys, <strong> spares unnecessary stress and can enjoy the journey much more relaxed. The tickets are booked and the hotel room is reserved? Then it's time to buy travel gear and take care of your luggage. If you are planning a flight, you should inform yourself in good time about the luggage regulations. For most airlines, the dimensions of the hand luggage must not exceed 55 x 40 x 20 cm. If you want to avoid additional fees due to exceeding the free baggage allowance limit, you should check the weight of the suitcases or travel bags when packing.</strong></p> <p>In our range you will find <strong> digital luggage scales. These useful helpers, which you buy cheap as an important travel accessory, are so small and handy that you can travel with them. When buying travel accessories, be sure to remember address labels! Your luggage will not be lost.</strong></p> <p>Another important thing to buy when buying travel accessories is <strong> theft protection of your luggage. Traditional locks are broken down by customs in several countries without you being compensated for the damage. In our online shop you can buy TSA padlocks with number combination as indispensable travel accessories. These locks are secured by the owner with a numerical code. Customs officers can open and close TSA locks with a master key for control purposes.</strong></p> <p>But also the accessories while traveling can make your trip particularly comfortable. Your flight or journey takes several hours? Then our neck pillows are just right for you. So you can sleep comfortably - without getting a stiff neck. Our acupressure bracelets are perfect for averting nausea when flying. You will also find useful travel accessories such as,</p> <p>The <strong> advantages of our online shop at a glance:</strong></p> <ul><li>Wide selection</li> <li>Convenient and fast home delivery</li> <li>Free shipping from an order value of CHF 100.00</li> <li>Consulting &amp; picking up the goods in the stationary shop <p>You want to buy travel accessories and have questions about our assortment? Contact us by phone, email or let ours to advise friendly employees in the shop. The competent team of the online shop is always there for you.</p> </li> <li>Luggage straps - Secures luggage reliably and you recognize your luggage on the luggage belt immediately</li> <li>Rain cover for the backpack</li> <li>Organizer for important travel documents</li> <li>Schlafmasken</li> <li>Adapter for electrical plug <p>Browse our high quality offer and be inspired by the purchase of travel accessories! Alternatively, you can use the <strong> handy search feature to quickly find specific products.</strong></p> <h2>Buy travel accessories and save a lot of time in the online shop</h2> <p><strong> Holiday season is travel time. That's why a lot of people are traveling in the inner cities during the holiday season. Your departure date is getting closer and you still have many things to do? If your shopping list includes suitcases, bags and travel accessories, you can spare yourself the hassle of crowded shopping malls. In our online shop you can buy all the travel accessories you need for your next tour.</strong></p> <p>Forget store opening hours and the stress of finding free parking in the city! Our online shop is available around the clock. With us you can buy cheap travel accessories and do your shopping when it suits you best. <strong> We deliver your goods to your home . From an order value of CHF 100.00 the shipping is free for you. Alternatively, you can buy travel accessories by invoice and pick them up directly in our shop. </strong></p> </li> </ul><p>The <strong> advantages of our online shop at a glance:</strong></p> <ul><li>Wide selection</li> <li>Convenient and fast home delivery</li> <li>Free shipping from an order value of CHF 100.00</li> <li>Consulting &amp; picking up the goods in the stationary shop <p>You want to buy travel accessories and have questions about our assortment? Contact us<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> </a> by phone, email or let ours to advise friendly employees in the shop. The competent team of the online shop is always there for you.</p> </li> </ul>
<p>Sehr geehrte Kunden, hier erhalten Sie einen Überblick über Neuheiten von Samsonite, Victorinox, Ogio, Beatles-Limitation und viele andere.</p>
<p><span id="result_box" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><span>Express delivery within 24 hours possible.</span><br /><br /><span>Ordered by 4pm - the next working day free of charge from an order value of CHF 100.00 already delivered!</span><br /><br /><span>Express delivery on the next working day from 7-9 o'clock also possible on Saturday against a small extra charge.</span><br /><br /><span>You will receive a tracking number by e-mail to track your order.</span><br /><br /><span>Please note the delivery times in the color selection.</span></span></p>

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